A black and white drawing of an envelope on a white background.


 We know the importance of dependable communication in a crisis. FireTEXT® is dedicated to providing reliable backup communications with our automated dispatch solutions.


We are on a mission to serve and protect the communities that we love and endure.


What we are providing

FireTEXT Dispatch provides an efficient and reliable automatic voice dispatch system tailored for the fire service and emergency responders. Here are the key features and benefits it offers:

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Automatic Voice Dispatch

FireTEXT Dispatch listens for pager tones and automatically sends notifications through multiple channels, including text messages, the mobile app, email, and more.

Real-Time Alerts

 Dispatchers can send real-time alerts to departments or specific responders, ensuring immediate awareness of emergencies and critical situations.

Multi-Channel Communication

FireTEXT Dispatch offers multi-channel communication, enabling responders to receive alerts through various means, maximizing the chances of timely responses.

Responder Updates

The system provides responder movement and status updates, keeping everyone informed about the availability and status of personnel.

Department Communication

The app features in-app chat and announcement capabilities, facilitating seamless communication within the department.

Customizable Dispatching

Customizable Dispatching: Dispatchers can tailor call types, messages, and addresses, allowing for easy customization based on the incident's nature.

Dispatch Log/History

Users have access to a detailed dispatch log/history, allowing them to revisit past incidents and play recorded audio on demand.

Real-Time Location, POIs & Weather Maps

The system provides real-time location tracking of dispatch and responders, along with points of interest (e.g., hydrants, hazmats, AEDs) and weather maps.

Custom Ringtones & More

Users can personalize their experience by selecting custom ringtones for notifications and access an in-app radio stream and weather alerts.

FireTEXT® Dispatch ensures reliable and efficient communication, empowering fire departments and emergency responders to be well-prepared and respond promptly to emergencies.

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Automatic Voice Dispatch

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Real-Time Alerts

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Multi-Channel Communication

A check mark in a circle on a white background.

Responder Updates

How do we work

FireTEXT® works as a comprehensive communication platform designed to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of emergency response and coordination for fire departments and first responders.

Two phones are sitting next to each other on a white background.

What We Offer

A motorola walkie talkie is sitting next to a cell phone.
Fire text is designed with emergency services in mind.
A phone and a tablet are sitting next to each other on a red background.
Download our mobile app on google play and download on the app store.

List of Services

A poster for a new mobile app that is now available

What People Say About Us


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